Telegram is more than just an instant messaging app. It’s a practical, fast and personal tool that can be used effectively for customer support. There are over 700 million monthly active users on telegram and increasingly, consumers want to be able to easily reach out to customer support teams using their existing and familiar chat apps.
It’s no secret that providing great customer support helps improve customer satisfaction and retention, but it can be challenging managing lots of different customer support channels to suit all your customer’s needs.
In this article, we’ll explain how to effortlessly leverage Telegram for customer support and also include a few tips to help get you started.
What is telegram and why would you want to provide customer support on the app?
Telegram is an instant messaging app that rivals WhatsApp and WeChat. It’s been rapidly growing in popularity and is now widely used globally by hundreds of millions of people. However, It’s not just Telegram’s widespread popularity that makes it a great customer support channel. Here are a few other reasons why you should start using Telegram for customer support:
How can you provide customer support via Telegram?
There are three main ways you can provide customer support via telegram:
Let’s take a look at each option and some of the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Create a Telegram Bot (Recommended)
Telegram has a powerful and flexible API, which is perfect for creating customer support tools. It’s normally the best solution for any company looking to provide efficient, secure and scalable support for their customers.
Use a public (or private) Telegram group
Using Telegram groups can be a great way of engaging with a community. Providing customer support in group chats, however, is really hard. Messages get lost very quickly in busy public groups and it’s almost impossible to keep track of what’s going on. Groups are great for building community and making people aware of your Telegram support bot, but as soon as a group is over a few hundred people it becomes impractical to provide customer support in one shared thread.
Using a personal Telegram account
This isn’t recommended at all. Telegram wasn’t designed as a customer support tool so doesn’t have any of the features you’d need to help manage customer support enquiries.
How can you create a Telegram Customer Support Bot?
There’s no need to spend thousands of dollars on developing a custom Telegram bot. You can use an existing tool such as Mava to create a powerful, no-code, Telegram customer support bot in minutes.
Here’s an example of the Mava’s own customer support Telegram bot in action: @Mava_TicketBot. Feel free to send us a question about Mava to test it out.
Why is Mava a market leading Telegram customer support tool?
Unlike other omni-channel support tools such as Zendesk or Intercom, Mava has built a Native Telegram integration from the ground up allowing for full customization.
Want to support your users from more channels? Mava also natively integrates into Discord and allows you to add a Mava web chat widget to your website in seconds.
If you’re interested in providing customer support on Telegram you can sign up for a Free Mava account here.
We’ve also made a quickstart Telegram integration guide here.
In conclusion, efficient customer support through Telegram is a powerful way to engage with customers in real-time, provide solutions promptly, and foster strong relationships. The best way of using Telegram for customer support is to create a Telegram bot. Software such as Mava, make it simple to create a Telegram bot in minutes and allow you to leverage powerful customer support features such as AI, workflow management and customer support metrics instantly.